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Figuring out with figures
sculptures by K S Radhakrishnan

Palak Dubey

The figures created by the artist surpass the distinctions of all sorts and excel in making their presence felt as pure, quintessential human forms, embracing myriad emotional and spiritual expanses passionately. The distortion and simplification of the figure accelerates the metaphorical strengths and weaves into the works an undercurrent of fantastical allegory. And yet, these creations also connect instantly to the engagements/ emotional upheavals and instances of real, mundane life. Like, one of the works titled, ‘Conflict within’ reflects the indecisiveness and incessant flow of thoughts/ideas/ inside a mind.

The recent show of sculptures by KS Radhakrishnan at Kalakriti art gallery, Hyderabad was warmly welcomed. The master’s work yet again excelled in mesmerising art lovers of the city boundlessly. The show titled, ‘Figuring out with Figures’ (16thOctober to 30th October) amalgamated a series of bronze sculptures that unveiled the many intricacies of life and existence in a stylistically rich and conceptually sublime manner.

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