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THE FIRST LIGHTTh e region from which work is analysed, where bliss rises in the mind from the
earth,whose borne Shakti (Supreme Energy) and prosperity is all dispersed here itself,
that sacred place is triadic essence in duality, and free-will is whole and paramount.
In the mind stays Shiva’s (Supreme Consciousness) rule coming in secret form that
does not burn me.
(Verse 1 of the First Light from the Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta)
While a barefoot Vishnu stands, with hands folded in adoration of Shiva’s Viratarupa
(Cosmic Form), fi ve steps lead to a dais (Bhupura) placed on the edge of eternity. Th e
cool, blue backdrop of the sky which rises from the sea-sky foreshore, like a painted
curtain, sails an armada of identical clouds above. Five white cranes on each side,
astonished by the cosmic being, are frozen in fl ight with beaks held ajar.
Th e Viratarupa of Shiva is a distillation of Monistic Shaivite thought presented
as a monolithic edifi ce. It shows the steps for the ascension of the individual soul
towards cosmic awareness. Th e similarities that it shares with Vajrayana yab-yum images especially the Vajrabhairava, proves the
exchange of ideas on yoga between Shaivism
and Mahayana Buddhism. Th e Dakshina
(Right-hand) and Vama (Left -Hand) cults
of Tantra are brought into a resolution in this
image. Th is rare multi-armed, multi-headed
manifestation which displays on the Cosmic
night between Aeons is not frequently depicted
in art

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