Dynamism in Dhanraj Bhagat’s Sculpture Anindya Kanti Biswas Dhanraj has shown an unusual mastery of all the three important art mediums-graphic, plastic and glyptic. His infallible quest for novelty and originality keeps him frequently changing from one medium to another and yet in every field he has reaped a rich harvest. Using clay and plaster […]
Month: July 2017
Reclaiming The Maternal And Questioning The Norms Of Representation Of Motherhood In Contemporary Indian Art By The Women Art Practitioners Dr. Aparna Roy Baliga I would like to start with the key concepts which the paper is centredon, of experiences of embodiment of the maternal body, the representations of motherhood by the male artists and […]
Re-positioning The Notion Of The ‘regional Modern’ H.a. Anil Kumar (Reflections on the claim for ‘Regional Modern’ in contemporary times. This was initially presented in the Panel Discussion held as part of the ‘Madras Art Movement’ show at NGMA, Bengaluru, 2017, alongside Prof. Parul Dave, Dr. Ashrafi Bhagath and Kavitha Balakrishnan) "In a recent official […]
Revashankar Sharma (1935 – 2017) The Master Of Fantasy In The World Of Miniature Painting – A Tribute Dr. Seema Bhalla "When I visited Udaipur in 2013, I began my trip by looking for miniature paintings that were being sold in the shops, to the tourists. While I was highly disappointed by the available commercially […]
An Enigma Of Colour: A Feature On Nupur Kundu Jyoti Kathpalia "I am blessed! My passion is also my profession…Each experience of my life, my training as a dancer, my thoughts, my vision, each emotion and spiritual adventures are transformed as movement and colour in my paintings." As one stands in front of a canvas […]
Artist, Craftsman & Researcher: M Reddeppa Naidu Mansi Dhiman Mandhwani In the art world, facts are sometimes given short compensation in favour of concepts and ideas. That’s good for creative enthusiasm and spirit, but perhaps not so much for the idea of making a living as an artist. Previously there were patronages and endowments, mostly […]
A Journey Towards Traditional History: Mukhosh Mansi Dhiman Mandhwani Art Konsult Gallery is situated at a place which is a hub for food joints, designers, hippy culture, contemporary art and artists! yes I am talking about Hauz Khas Village, it is a city within a city, there is always too much going on at the […]
Wanderlust Nature: Three Artists Tribute to Ram Kinkar Baij Indira Lakshmi Prasad Very recently a group exhibition of paintings was held in Delhi, at one of the capital city’s premier art gallery named as Lokayata, popularly known as the Mulkraj Anand Centre. Three young contemporary artists, from Bengal but settled in Delhi, exhibited their recent […]
Come June and one starts fanaticising grey thundering clouds covering the sky cool breezes and prays for rainfall. We just celebrated the environment Day. US pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord; Canada went ahead with it wholly, while at the same time committing to market their country’s resources of oil… India on the other […]