THE REVIVAL OF THE TRIBAL MANADANA ART OF RANTHAMBORE: Ensuring sustainable livelihood to the downtrodden tribal women painters- Prof. Dr. Chinmay Mehta

When we go through the history of Modern Art we find how French modernists were liberated from the age-old conventional naturalistic and photorealistic trends in art. Modern French painters started exploring alternative art forms of other countries breaking all the national boundaries for the creation of revolutionary art styles. In Picasso’s phenomenal creative venture of Cubism, he was eager to seek inspiration from primitive African wooden sculptures. Instead of following the western modernistic trends many of our Indian modernists have also explored the possibilities of seeking inspiration from our indigenous art traditions in their artworks. This trend has further led to wider public interest and patronization for oriental art and the establishment of Museums and galleries of Folk and Primitive art in western countries and ultimately popularized these…

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