
A characteristically warm August follows the first month of India having operational GST (Goods and Services Tax). In this first month of the new reform, confusion hangs in the air much like the haze of humidity around the city. There has been little light shed so far on exactly how the reforms will affect individuals and businesses, not least the Indian art market. We have been told by government that this tax comes with an abundance of benefits, however only time will demonstrate the true effects. Meanwhile we at Art and Deal have been conversing with a range of individuals in the Indian art sector and finding their perceptions, experiences and expectations of the new tax on art. This includes Sangeeta Gupta, income tax officer and visual artist who offers her unique perspective of expertise in both fields. She sheds some light on an issue which is perplexing the nation.

The performance art scene in India is something which is still relatively underground, yet we have a wealth of up and coming talent in the art form. Indira Lakshmi Prasad in a report of the event ‘Surface Scratches’ brings light to the fine art performance happening in Delhi itself. Performance art is largely associated with western art movements, yet with globalisation, it’s not just people and things crossing continents but ideas too.

Rajesh Punj talks with Lizi Sanches, Peru-born visual artist currently living in London, about her process, inspiration and history as a practitioner as she explores this culture of mass marketing and manufacture which we live in. This is followed by Malika Chakrawarti’s detailed piece on Sadanand Bakre, Indian sculptor and painter, giving us a window into his life and work by which he boldly trod along the path less travelled.

Art and Deal reviews recently released book ‘Parallel Wings’ a semiautobiographical reflection on the work of Rimi Dhumal, and an impressive printed collection of her works which cross a number of different art mediums.

Visionary cinematography hails from the Northeast as Sayan Dey gives us a taste of what’s to come with upcoming release ‘Rahu – a senty story of a mental boy’. An imaginative and raw tale of a young man’s wayward journey, we certainly can’t wait to watch it.

We have two exhibition reviews this issue. Firstly Palak Dubey reviews Shruti Mahajan’s recent exhibition which was on show in Hyderabad. Secondly Mansi Dhiman Mandhwani reviews ‘Gombe – an exhibition of magical wooden puppets from Karnataka’ which was on show in New Delhi at Art Konsult gallery, which she has described as ‘Walking in an Iconographic Past of Southern India’

Our international and cutting edge feature involves artwork made from the DNA of Chelsea Manning, previously incarcerated for the disclosure of military documents, in a politically charged exhibition in New York.

Do send us your thoughts and suggestions. Happy Reading.

-Siddhartha Tagore