
Dear Readers,

I would start off with the message quoted by T.S. Eliot in Four Quartets,
where he said and I quote, “ For last year’s words belong to the last year’s
language, and the next year’s words await another voice. ”

The year 2020 if explained in a word can be said “Existential.” This phase
not only saw some distressing movements but also made people realize the
true essence of staying together. As it is said, sometimes the distances make
one realize and appreciate the true essence of staying close. Such a deep
impact on self-realization laid the foundation for many to introspection.
While some waited for things to get normal, the others went down to the
memory lanes by the only prominent memorablia memorial token they had
– the photographs.

It has been realized that true introspection is when you look beyond the
ambit of what is given. Often when you walk out of your place, you see
inspiring moments around you, and it often leads you to wonder what makes
these so inspiring? And the answer then lies with the vision you hold. The
vision acts as a lens of capturing moments before it undergoes its change. On
a similar level comes the lenses of the camera, which helps us to capture and
revive images that you might miss seeing within the next hour.

I feel by the time this editorial will reach you, we would already be
celebrating the New Year, and what would remain in our memories would be
the last year’s language which would be translated and remembered through
the photographs. Hence, Art & Deal Magazine on its first two New Year
Edition is a walk of remembrance of the moments that have been lost to time
and carries significant importance in the present. Thus, we come with our
theme on “The untold chronicles of the lenses”. It will discuss the concept
of photography, its ethics, the 19th to 21st-century pioneers who saw and
captured the society changing in socio-political terms, and the impact that
led photography as one genre of art to branch out in diverse forms.

On this note, I would end my message by using the phrases of a poem by
Robert Frost that inspired me to be more positive towards the coming years
and I believe this would inspire you as well.

“The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep”

Happy Reading.

Do share with us your feedback at artanddeal@gmail.com

Siddhartha Tagore